
Handling yourself when people don't agree with you

 I was an awkward teenager growing up. I won't divulge on it, but as I entered university, I somehow felt that I had an opinion on everything. And in those times, I found myself in countless debates (or arguments) that I'm used to today. Not that I welcome sour outcomes, but growing older, I don't have this bubbling rage when someone doesn't see things my way.  It's funny now, looking at the people I've debated with, people who throw a fit and takes it personally when I'm not among the sea of yessirs on their feed. I don't remember much, but there was one instance where I wrote clearly (yet not sarcastically) that I disagreed with someone's post online. This girl misunderstood it for an attack, sent a flurry of unnecessary comments and ended it with a "Btw, your dad knows my dad." I remember being in Japan at the time doing my non-degree program asking myself what exactly was the point of that statement. It was completely irrelevant to our